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  • 12-2aHave you established a notification process for ethical issues such as prejudice and discrimination?
    • You must examine the possibility of ethical issues in a healthcare AI system, such as prejudice or discrimination, and inspect whether a notification function or procedure for problems has been established.

    • In notifying ethical issues, you must first create the criteria and inspection conditions for the AI system to self-evaluate its trustworthiness. The key inspection checklist is as follows.
    ✓ Safeguarding human rights, protection of privacy, respect for diversity, prohibition of infringement, public interest, engagement, medical data management, liability, safety, transparency, license management, IRB approval, etc.
    ✓ The provisions that can be regulated by the IRB’s Bioethics and Safety Act include: human subject research, human-derived material research, embryo production and management, genetic testing and gene therapy, etc.
    ✓ Korea Internet & Security Agency’s study on the EU’s Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI presents components, grounds, implementation conditions, and evaluation for trustworthy AI.

    • Other than the self-inspection function, AI systems must also have a function to send feedback to the system operator whenever a user discovers ethical issues during system operation.