• Users of medical devices with AI assisting in the diagnosis are the medical staff and patients. The medical staff—the main agent of medical practice—can use medical devices to assist in diagnosis, whereas patients can rent equipment for data collection for a certain period of time to allow the medical staff to collect their data for diagnosis.
• In either process, there can be a user error if they have a low technical understanding of AI [51, 52]. Therefore, the service manager must understand the various types of user errors and define and analyze related errors that may occur in advance. The following are examples of possible user errors in healthcare AI systems.
✓ The medical staff as the user: Data input or measurement errors, misrecognition of system output (recognizing negative diagnosis as positive), etc.
✓ The patient as the user: Measurement errors due to improper measurement of posture or being unfamiliar with instructions, hardware errors due to improper management of devices, etc.
• Examples of preemptive measures for user errors are as follows.
✓ Setting restrictions: This refers to restricting the user’s choice to some extent or defining and showing acceptable options to prevent wrong user input.
✓ System suggestions and corrections: The system collects frequent user errors, and encourages automatic correction or suggests proper input if a similar user error occurs in the service. For example, the system may suggest remeasurement by setting an outlier when collecting data with frequent measurement errors.
✓ Setting default value: Values that are frequently used and essential in the system can be set as default values, or relevant examples can be provided to reduce user errors. For example, medical devices assisting in the diagnosis can represent the positive region in a different color or figure, mark the region deviating from the default value (negative), or provide the most reliable diagnosis at the top for medical staff to understand the diagnosis accurately.
✓ Double-check, provision of results, and cancellation: User errors can be prevented by double-checking the user’ input and delivering the expected results in advance. Also, functions like “cancel” can be provided to avoid incorrect results. For example, medical devices assisting in drug administration can be set to send a notification to double-check whether the medical staff’s final prescription is accurate.