• AI governance managers must confirm and oversee that the group follows internal policies according to the AI system life cycle. They must also prove to stakeholders that there are appropriate management and controls in place to achieve a trustworthy AI system. The following is an example of supervision based on AI governance internal principles and regulations [9].
✓ Purpose of developing AI in need of oversight: To predict days with high emergency department volumes at one of the hospital sites using AI models
✓ Utilization: Decision to call in additional physician staff based on the prediction of emergency department volumes
✓ Oversight result: While initially useful, this model slowly became less relevant as average daily volumes increased and daily staffing was increased, obviating the need for a call-in shift or the predictive model.
• Overseeing the implementation of internal policies related to the risk management of AI systems can protect the group and stakeholders from potential risks of AI systems, as well as enhance the group’s competency.
• Hence, the group overseeing the AI governance system must be completely aware of the responsibilities and authority of their role based on their understanding of AI systems, and oversee if all policies are implemented throughout the life cycle.