07-2bHave you confirmed the compatibility and vulnerability of the open-source library in use?
• There may be compatibility issues in the version changes of the library due to incompatibility with the development environment, language, tool, and other libraries. Therefore, you must choose the type and version of an open-source library according to compatibility such as identifying the dependency between libraries.
• There can be vulnerabilities in the open-source library in use. You must continuously examine security vulnerabilities and the release note announced with the version changes so that you can promptly detect and respond to vulnerabilities and minimize their impact.
• Analyzing the vulnerabilities of open-source libraries using vulnerability criteria and tools like Vulnerability Assessment Scanner (OpenVAS), Security Content Automation Protocol (OpenSCAP), the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP), and Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) can help you find the level of response of manufacturers to newly discovered security threats.