• User error is caused externally by users using the end product of the service and internally by the operators using the internal system to generate service outcomes. Therefore, the service manager must understand the following types of user errors and define and analyze related errors that may occur in advance.
✔ Omission error: An error caused by omission of tasks
✔ Commission error: An error caused by carrying out tasks inaccurately
✔ Sequence error: An error of carrying out tasks in the wrong sequence
✔ Time error: An error caused by not completing tasks on time
✔ Extraneous error: An error caused by carrying out unnecessary tasks
• Examples of preemptive measures for user errors are as follows.
✔ Setting restrictions: This refers to restricting the user’s choice to some extent or defining and showing acceptable options to prevent wrong user input. An AI-based chatbot, for instance, presents first a list of frequently asked questions to users to choose from before they can freely ask a question.
✔ System suggestions and corrections: The system collects frequent user errors and automatically corrects or suggests proper input if a similar user error occurs in the service. For example, the system may make corrections and suggestions for any typos in the search.
✔ Setting default value: Values that are frequently used and essential in the system can be set as default values, or relevant examples can be provided to reduce user errors.
✔ Double-check, provision of results, and cancellation: User errors can be prevented by double-checking the user’ input and delivering the expected results in advance. Also, functions like “cancel” can be provided to avoid incorrect results.