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  • 06-4aHave you implemented a sampling method to prevent bias?
    • You can either explicitly or inexplicitly distribute the elements of bias that can lead to social prejudices or discrimination (refer to "06-2a") in the datasets for AI services in the public sector. You can apply the following demographic sampling when handling AI training datasets for public services depending on the various probabilities of discrimination.
    ✓ Probability sampling: Simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling
    Non-probability sampling: Convenience sampling, voluntary response sampling, purposive sampling, snowball sampling, and quota sampling

    • Class imbalance can occur naturally in the development of AI for public services using classification or information of the class.

    • You can use undersampling or oversampling to handle problems of class imbalance. If bias is expected due to class imbalance, implement an appropriate sampling method to prevent bias, and confirm activities and information necessary for the implementation.