01-2Have you prepared measures to remove and prevent risk factors or mitigate the effects?
Determine applicability: Consider this question after analyzing risk factors in "01-1," and determine if the requirement has been satisfied.
• Prepare countermeasures for each risk factor analyzed in "01-1." Countermeasures are all procedural, functional, and technical methods applicable to mitigate risk factors of the AI system. Countermeasures against risks can be classified into positive and negative risk management strategies, which are also mentioned in “ISO/IEC TR 13335 — Information technology — Security techniques — Management of information and communications technology security.”
• To maintain principles to implement a trustworthy AI system, all stakeholders must continuously monitor the risk factors of the AI system and apply countermeasures at every stage of the system’s life cycle according to their roles, situations, and ability to act. Stakeholders should be encouraged to cooperate and communicate with one another and take appropriate actions in this process