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  • 12-1Have you implemented a safe mode that can respond to problems such as attacks, low performance, and social issues?
    • Fail-safe is a prevailing concept used across industries. It refers to a method and function that maintains safe mode even if a failure or error occurs. This concept is also applicable to AI systems. Efforts must be made to find and resolve the root cause or present users with a method to recover to normal functions when external attacks, human error, deteriorated AI model performance, social criticism due to bias, and incidents are expected. The state in which these measures operate is known as “safe mode.”

    • The methods and examples of implementing the safe mode are as follows.
    - Stop functions and switch screen to give feedback when a problem occurs in the system
    - Recover to the initial screen or state of the service when a problem occurs in the system
    - If there is high uncertainty in the decision made by the AI or a problem is very likely to occur, avoid making decisions or provide information about the situation to the user
    - Identify the malicious intent of the user and reject the user’s input
    - Encourage human intervention if a problem occurs in the system during automated and autonomous operation
    - Provide guidance and handling of expected user errors