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  • 06-2bHave you mitigated the impact of features that may create bias?
    • Selecting data attributes to train the AI model can not only allow efficient training but also reduce computational resources and costs. An in-depth understanding of data in the relationship analysis between various attributes can help identify potential biases.

    • Simple approaches to mitigate biases include feature selection which excludes features that may lead to bias. The three methods for feature selection are filter, wrapper, and embedded methods, and these are methods used to analyze the statistical correlation of features in data to use features with high correlation coefficients or use subsets with great performance on certain features.

    • The methods, however, may not always be effective, as they can reinforce or create different types of biases when removing features associated with biases. Therefore, you must consider various techniques (e.g. reweighting, relabeling, variable bliding, sampling) to mitigate bias.

    • But there can be exceptions if you can mitigate bias during the training or if bias was intentional based on the AI system’s purpose.