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  • 02-2Have you formed an AI governance group and reviewed the composition of the group?
    • As mentioned in "02-1," AI systems possess potential ethical issues. A group with management and supervision responsibilities must be in place to identify various risk factors, prepare related policies, and implement the policies.

    • The Recommendation on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence announced by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) specifies that there must be oversight mechanisms to identify, prevent, mitigate, and perform duties on the impact of AI systems on the respect for human rights, rule of law, and inclusive societies.

    • An AI governance group must prepare policies and supervise the compliance with ethical guidelines and fulfillment of procedural requirements from an ethical perspective. This group needs to be composed of personnel qualified with related competencies and be aware of the roles and responsibilities of each person.

    • If possible, an AI governance group should also include external experts (e.g. psychologists, data scientists, administrative experts). External experts help overcome problems, e.g. groupthink, and improve biased point of view within the group.