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  • 06-1Have you prepared measures to mitigate bias due to human and physical elements in data collection?
    • Bias due to human elements is a result of conscious or unconscious bias on certain information.
    Human bias: Includes automation bias, group attribution bias, implicit bias, and in-group bias.

    • In order to avoid human bias, specific collection and inspection criteria for data collection should be established to prevent bias in data attributes by data collectors or rectify bias in the review by having a diverse and sufficient number of reviewers.

    • Data bias may occur due to the physical factors utilized in the collection tools or methods. Here, data with physical limitations, such as certain colors, brightness, and resolutions, may be collected due to the image’s screen capture tool or storage device.

    • In such cases, there may be difficulty in distinguishing the age or race of the subjects, or training may only be performed on data collected in a particular way. Accordingly, it is desirable to eliminate the physical factors that cause bias or utilize a variety of collection devices to compensate for diversity.