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  • 04-1cHave you explained the reason for selecting the protected attributes and whether they were reflected?
    • While training an AI model using large datasets, the model may learn various biases such as bias in the datasets or potential biases. In this case, not only does it degrade the model’s performance, but it also hinders the deployment of AI systems due to ethical issues such as racial and gender discrimination.

    • To mitigate bias in data, analyze the variables in data to find specific variables that have a large impact on generating biased results, and designate them as protected attributes so that they do not affect model training.
    - Google’s What-If Tool and IBM’s AI Fairness 360 are some of the prominent open-source analysis tools to verify bias in data.

    • You must also provide explanation about the objective of the AI system being developed, the reason and process of selecting the protected attributes, and whether they were reflected for future users of the collected and created data.