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  • 10-1bIf XAI is not applicable, have you prepared measures other than the application of the technique?
    • It is not always possible to explain an AI model’s inference result and evidence of the AI’s decision. In this case, the AI system’s transparency must be ensured using alternatives to XAI.

    • Where XAI is not applicable, validate the system in practice and explain the analysis of the validation to ensure the system’s reliability. You may apply different testing techniques used in traditional software development, or combine system validation methods such as repeatability tests in production environments and exception identification tests to ensure validity.

    • Another way to achieve transparency is to provide traceability, auditability, and transparent communication about the functioning of the AI system.
    - First, it will help secure transparency in the AI system ensuring that the system’s data and processes for making decisions are traceable and well-documented.
    - Second, it helps to retain the auditability of the system ensuring traceability and logging mechanisms during the initial design phase of the AI system. However, this does not necessarily mean that information about the system’s business model and intellectual property should always be publicly available.
    - Third, it is helpful to self-assess whether the AI system’s purpose and technical limitations were communicated to users in an appropriate manner. In other words, you can achieve transparency through transparent communication using mechanisms that inform users about the system’s accuracy levels and limitations.